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Visiting these top 6 festas in Malta with your kids this summer is an experience not to be missed. These vibrant celebrations create an opportunity to take part in our country’s rich cultural heritage, creating memories for both young and old. From the colourful lights to the lively music of the bands playing in the streets and the delicious traditional food like the mqaret and the doughnuts, these feasts provide a joyful atmosphere that will surely engage your children.

mosta 1. Santa Marija  – Mosta – 15thAugust

The incredible Mosta Dome, also called the Rotunda, is the star of the Santa Marija celebrations. On 15th August, the Archbishop leads a special High Mass. But the night before, there’s a fantastic fireworks show on the ground (one that is not to be missed)! Then, on Sunday,  a procession with the statue takes place, and the band plays the Ave Maria.. Kids will love experiencing Mosta’s traditions and being a part of this festive atmosphere!

naxxar2. The Nativity of Our Lady  – Naxxar –  8th September

The feast in Naxxar, Malta, on the 8th of September celebrates the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It’s a wonderful experience for kids to enjoy the colourful decorations, watch the beautiful statues parading through the streets, and listen to the cheerful music. Kids will also love throwing the shredded paper flakes, and seeing them descending from balconies. Then pile up layers of these papers, as they play along.

3. San Lawrenz – Gozo –  30th July

if you’re heading to Gozo at the end of July, make sure to join the festivities at the Feast of St. Lawrence in San Lawrenz, Gozo! This town comes alive with colourful lights, beautifully decorated statues, and lively brass band marches. Don’t miss the dazzling fireworks and delicious traditional treats like Qubbajt, and ice-cream from the village stalls.



4. St. Catherine  – Zurrieq – 3rd September

You’ll surely be amazed by a dazzling showcase of fireworks at the Zurrieq festa, lively band marches, mesmerizing processions, and the enchanting sight of the church façade adorned with spectacular coloured lights. This feast holds a special religious significance as the titular statue is carried through the streets, accompanied by devoted crowds paying homage to their beloved patron saint. After the religious ceremonies, make your way to the lively pjazza where you  gaze at the magnificent fireworks illuminating the night sky.


5. St Helen- Birkirkara – 20th August

Visiting the feast of Birkirkara, on the 20th of August with kids is an absolute must. The vibrant celebrations include lively band marches, magnificent processions, and captivating displays of colourful decorations. Indulge in delicious traditional food from the various stalls, and witness the strong sense of community spirit that defines this feast.



6. Christ our Saviour – Hal Lija – 6th August

Hal Lija’s feast on the 6th of August is another delightful opportunity for kids to revel in the festivities. The streets come alive with a spectacle of statues parading through the town. Rest assured, that these will captivate the imagination of your little ones. Kids will also love watching the charming tradition of people throwing shredded paper flakes from the balconies!


These top 5 festas in Malta offer an extraordinary experience for families with children, immersing them in the rich cultural heritage of the island. From the enchanting Mosta Dome celebrations to the vibrant streets of Naxxar, San Lawrenz in Gozo, Birkirkara, and Zurrieq, these feasts are filled with music, processions, fireworks, and delectable traditional treats. Whether you’re a local family or you’re on holiday in Malta, , make sure to visit these feasts. So, let the joyful spirit of these celebrations ignite the hearts of your family this year and for more years to come!

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